About Me

I am a mama, educator, writer, traveler, and artist. I studied graphic design and photography in my undergraduate years—many years ago. Following graduation, life steered me towards early education. After some time teaching preschool, I went back to school and received my credential and masters in elementary curriculum and instruction. I have taught first grade for the past 5 years and life has taken another unexpected turn. I now find myself transitioning into a position I had never genuinely considered for myself. I have taken a temporary leave from teaching. As grateful as I am for the ability to stay at home with my daughter, it was not something I had planned for or intended. I find myself attempting to reconcile the tension between the gift of caring for my daughter full-time and the loss of my classroom and income.

Life takes on many twists and turns.  Circumstances bring change and transition.  Circumstances also bring us to consider new endeavors.   I am at this junction in my life. I am an educator.  Mother. Wife. Photographer.  Designer.  Writer.  I am not perfect at any of these roles and some have even been in hibernation for quite some time. Rarely do we take the time to pursue and grow our identities. We may think and think and think about it, but doing is another story.

This is my journey to focus on the roles I play—discovering the great many things I can do and be. To accomplish this, I need to simply do. For when I simply do, it will simply be done. I hope that my journey–the successes, the missteps, the turns, the lessons, the failures, and the accomplishments—will inspire, encourage, motivate and help you in your own personal journey to be and do the great many things we all have the potential for.